Sunday, September 27, 2009


Well some of that beautiful brown hair is starting to come out. We believe its from sleeping on her back, but we had to compare her's and Grandpa Truesdale's head. Its funny how they resemble each other so much from this angle.

Lovin' the Dredla and Taylor ladies

Harper really enjoyed visiting with the Dredla and Taylor women at Jamie's Baby Shower. Harper is SOOOOO excited because cousin Brayden Hayes will be here before we know it. Jamie's due date is actually Nov. 11 but we will all be surprised if she makes it until then. Harper can't wait to play with him!! Here are some cute pics from the shower.

Harper and Grandma Taylor. She loved her!! She kept sucking on her face! Grandma was so happy that she didn't cry when she held her!

Grammy D came to visit Harper at Grammy T's this past week. Harper told her Mommy with smiles and giggles how much fun she had. Grammy D seemed to have a blast! We wish she was here all the time, but when Brayden gets here, Harper will get to see her a lot!

Here's a pic of the hostesses at Jamie's shower. What a great time!

Mum Mum's

Harper has a new obsession with Mum Mums. They are a delicious rice cake (I assume) that she can hold in her hand. They are a great baby sitter! She is so good at restaraunts, in the car or while i'm cooking if she has one of these. They have them at Walmart if you want them!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First night away.

Well tonight is the first night Harper is away from her Mommy. Almost 6 months without a night away, but the time has finally come. Justin was diagnosed with the flu today, so we came to the decision that it would be best for Harper to go stay with her Grammy T until Daddy gets better. I decided to stay home and take care of the sick hubby (plus it is an hour drive to work in the morning). It is going to be a hard night, but at least I know she's in good hands!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

No mas swaddler!

Grammy took this hilarious picture of Harper waking up one day. I think she's trying to "tell" us she's done being swaddled! It has always worked so well for her! She's been sleeping all night (8-10 hrs) since she was about 7 or 8 weeks old. We felt we'd keep it up until she no longer wanted it. Now we hear her grunting in the middle of the night, fast asleep trying to get out. Aunt Christy gave us a great technique to use to make the unswaddling process simple. So far we've gone 4 nights with one arm out and she's done great! Soon we'll add a leg, then another arm and then bye bye swaddler! We'll keep you updated!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Loving on Mommy and Daddy

Harper is getting so loving and snuggly these days. Her little personality is really shining! Here are some adorable pics of her with Mommy and Daddy!

She loves to visit her Daddy at work. She misses him when he's gone (so does Mommy!).

Playing on the blanket with Mommy after school one day. I hate being away from her all day long. I always said "I couldn't be a stay at home Mom." I was wrong.

2nd wedding but 1st hotel stay!

Harper attended her second wedding over Labor Day weekend. Mom's lifetime friend, Sarah Mayo, got married in Houston. Justin was working and couldn't attend so we headed up there with Grammy and Grandpa. Harper was perfect! She did so good on the drive, was an angel at the wedding, didn't go to bed until after 11 (and didn't even get cranky!) and slept in her pack 'n play in the hotel! Woohoo! Here are a few pics of her 2nd wedding and 1st hotel stay!

Mommy and Harper sitting outside after the wedding about to head in for the reception.

Harper drinking her bottle (Grammy thinks we should send this in to Avent for an adverstisement!)

Harper after her bath in the hotel! She's sittin up so well these days. Look at that crazy hair!!

Worn out!! Passed out on the drive home from Houston. She had a great time!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Sitting Up!

Harper Kole is doing her best to sit up these days. She can't sit for long and we topple over every now and then, but all in all she's doing a great time sitting. She'll be 5 months old tomorrow, Sept 2, and is quite the mover and shaker! She is rolling over like crazy and start to push with her legs. She'll be crawling before we know. Daddy is ready for it but I don't know how ready Mommy is!! Enjoy the pics of our little chunker :)