Sunday, October 25, 2009

Meeting Tristin Ulrich for the first time!

Since we were within an hour of Buda, we decided to make a day trip to meet Tristin! Cari and Kevin's little boy is absolutely precious!!! Although we enjoyed holding such a tiny little bundle, it was hard to say we miss Harper being that age. Cari is doing great as a Mommy! Tristin is SOOOO lucky!

Tristin slept the ENTIRE time we were there!
Cari, Harper, Mommy and Tristin (Harper looked so big compared to him!)

Aunt Cari and Harper

Chad and Heather are married...and Harper was at this wedding, too!!

Well we made it through the wedding weekend and 2-night stay in a hotel. All in all it went pretty well. She had a little trouble sleeping the first night, but did great the second night. She did a great job of entertaining herself. She was a hit at the wedding of course!

Here are some great pics from the weekend!

Watching Dora the Explorer in the car on the way to Boerne. The kid used to sleep all the time in the car...not anymore!

Harper, Daddy and Mommy at the Rehearsal Dinner.

Daddy and Harper hanging out after the first night in the hotel.

It is a lot harder to feed her in the Bumbo versus her high chair! We ended up getting applesauce all over ourself.

Harper getting ready for a day out on the town.

Harper and Daddy at the wedding.

Harper and Mommy at the wedding (Harper is starting to blink in pictures!!)

Harper, Mommy and Heather. Harper thought that Heather looked like a "princess." She couldn't stop looking at her!!

Mommy, Harper and Daddy at the wedding
That Boerne/San Antonio water does something to this child's hair!
EXHAUSTED!! Sleeping with her bunny, Daisy on the way home. She slept for about an hour and 45 minutes on the ride home...she was pooped!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wish Us Luck

So this weekend will be the 2nd hotel stay for Harper. Though we are excited to see Chad and Heather get married, we're not necessarily jumping for joy at the idea of staying two nights in a hotel with a 6 month old. Wish us luck...we'll update you soon.

In the mean time, here some cute pictures of our little ladybug! :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

A few new pics

Just a few new pics of our little pum'kin! (actually she's going to be a strawberry for Halloween..but we call her pum'kin)

Tanya and Dustin are married...and Harper was there!

Mommy and Daddy's best friends finally got married this weekend! We met Dustin and Tanya as soon as we moved to Portland. Dustin and Justin are firefighters together at PFD. From the moment we met them, we've been together! Here are some pics of our families at the wedding enjoying ourselves!

Mommy and Harper

Miss Tanya (the Bride) and Harper

Pa and Harper

Uncle Trevor and Harper

Harper and Grammie D

Aunt Jamie and Trevor "practicing" with Harper and Pa looking on!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

So the other day I was looking through pictures and realized how far we've come in just 6 months. It's hard to believe how quickly it goes by. My little one has been such a blessing! Don't get me wrong, this has been the biggest challenge and hardest moments of my life but I wouldn't change any part of it. I am not ready for her to grow up, but to see her do things on her own and become more independent is so awesome! She's discovered her hands the other day, sits up on her own, is trying to drink from a sippy cup, is eating 3 meals a day and so many other things! Before we know it, she'll be walking, talking and heading off to Pre-K.

Harper at about 3 weeks old.

Harper at almost 6 months old.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Best Pic to Date

A good friend of the Dredla's (Rose) took a pic of Harper at Jamies Baby Shower. It is so adorable and I had to share. Look at those cheeks!!

Pre-Church Festivities

Even though we don't look that great in these pics. I had to share a few pics of what goes on before we get ready for church.

Hanging out with Mommy and Daddy (Grammy taking pic). I think Daddy was wishing Harper would go back to sleep!

Daddy and Harper love cartoons! They were watching a little Dora the Explorer. I'm sure Harper and Daddy were singing "Backpack, backpack!" in there heads!