Thanksgiving was so much more eventful this year!! What a joy it is to have a child to share the day with. We spent Thanksgiving at my parents and at the ranch. My in-laws were able to join us, which made everything that much more fun!! Justin's parents, Grandma and Jason were all in on the Truesdale festivities! Christy, Joe and the kids also came! Nothing like a full house! We also watched the Texas A&M/Texas times!! Here are some photos of the holiday!

Harper and Pa at the ranch

Harper and her great-Grandma Taylor

Harper and Grammie Dredla

Harper and Grammy Truesdale

Christy (my sister), Isabella, Joe and Jonathan

Trevor, Jamie and new baby Brayden!

Mommy, Harper and Daddy trying to take a pic for the Christmas card!
Love the pics..the last one is WONDERFUL!! WHOOP!! Your hair color looks great!!